August 5, 2011

Baruto helps Amur Leopard "Baruto"

I wrote before ,about “Yellow” news about naming new born Amur Leopard “Baruto” (

I got a great news from Estonian readers.
Thank you,K &V.

" I can confirm that it is absolutely not yellow news.
Baruto met Tallinn Zoo management on 28th of July.
Was decided that christening will happen on 11th of August.
Baruto will take a part to become godfather.
We (thousands people around the world) are very happy
that Kaido Höövelson/Baruto decided to come and help Tallinn Zoo( ),
endangered animals and especially Amur Leopard ( )."

"We hear from Kaido after Sunday mach, after he won Yokozuna, that most probably he will have opportunity to have a vacation. But he was not sure.

On Tuesday we hear that he will come home. "

"We met Baruto. Our feeling is that he is immediately ready to help them who need it.

He just takes care of charity. At this time he did not choose the way or direction of charity."

"Our family is fan of nature and zoo webcams and we knew that Amur Leopard will give a birth and we watched very consistently development in leopard nest.

Many people were happy when finally we saw two cubes.

Unfortunately the nature did not accepted both.

But the only survived cube got all the love and milk provided by mother.

He grew fast and became very strong.

Randomly there was couple of fans of Sumo and Leopard fans at same time.

And somebody began call the cube „Baruto“.

Most of forum members liked the name and Tallinn Zoo did it as well.

So we called Baruto to ask his acceptance."

"What we got was, that Kaido joined the fan club and asked, what he can do more for these beautiful animals. So it happened. "

"May be this news can be interesting in jour beautiful and friendly but much suffered country.
Tallin Zoo organized charity collection for Japanese tsunami causalities
as many other organizations around the world. "

Baruto in Tallin Zoo

christening event organisation team and Baruto