July 26, 2009

Day15 Best Bouts (Nagoya-Basho 2009 July)

Chiyotaikai vs Kakuryu

Kaio vs Kotomitsuki

Harumafuji vs Kotooshu

Hakuho vs Asashoryu


Anonymous said...

hi there!

what did happen on the last day of this Nagoya-basho ?
I haven't check the news yet as I hoped to get the "best bouts" video on Chuchai's amazing collection ... but I can't wait so long anymore.

Why couldn't you post it ?

By the way thanks for all the job!




CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

Matsuo san!

Thank you for posting comment.
Sorry to psot videos Day15 late.

Anonymous said...

oh great !
last videos came after all, good on you mate.

good basho, wasn't it ?
I wonder about what Asashoryu is going to do (or not) in september...


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Chuchai, for your sumo website. This is one of the best and fastest sumo web sites I have come across. I am also a great Baruto fan, from Finland. We Finns are neighbours and close relatives of the Estonians. Both nations speak a language which no-one else can understand, part of the Fenno-Ugrian language family. Baruto is definitely the first Fenno-Ugrian rikishi ever, and I'm very proud of it! He will become yokozuna, I'm sure of it! -Markku from Helsinki, Finland

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