November 22, 2009

Day8 vs Harumafuji (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Harumafuji is not well in this tournament.
His score until yesterday was 3 wins 4 losts.
I think he lost his style to get "Maemitsu" at start.
He does not have a huge body size so ,if he lost his rocket start,
it means ,,,,,you can guess.
****click to YouTube HQ
Baruto pulled up Harumafuji and swang him out of ring.
But ring side judges said "Monoii" and re-judged about Baruto steppe out before Harumafuji feet on the ground.
The conclusion was Baruto's win but I really wonder if he did "Isamiashi".


5 wins 3 losts

Go! Baruto,Go!

Upper ranker result
○ E-K Kisenosato3-5 (yorikiri) W-K Goeido2-6
E-M4 Hokutoriki 4-4 (yorikiri) W-O Kotomitsuki5-3
○ E-O Kotooshu7-1 (hikiotoshi) W-M2 Tokitenku1-7
E-O Chiyotaikai 2-6 (oshidashi) W-O Kaio5-3
E-O Harumafuji 3-5 (tsuridashi) E-S Baruto5-3
○ E-Y Asashoryu8-0 (okurinage) E-M3 Tochiozan3-5
W-S Kakuryu2-6 (uwatenage) W-Y Hakuho8-0


CJK said...

Thanks a lot for posting the fights here and on youtube! Go Baruto!

vendorune said...

not a "dead body" Harumafuji? he is just in the air - he can't come back into circle

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...


Thank you for your comment .
I hope you enjoying sumo world.

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

vendorune san

thank you posting comment.
In the case of Tsuridashi,even if wrestler who pulls up and steps out of ring before pulled up wrestler not on the ground,it is not called isamiashi and it is called okuriashi.
Okuriashi is not failure.So this case ,I think Okuriashi.
As you said, Harumafuji is dead body.this okuriashi rule means opponent is already dead body.