November 29, 2009

Day15 vs Toyonoshimai (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Baruto grasped opponent bel by right hand over at the start.
Once Toyonoshima rushed forward but Baruto swang Toyonoshima with uplifting .
Baruto power was mightier than small Toyonoshima......

sekiwake BARUTO ○(TSURIDASHI)× TOYONOSHIMA maegashira#5

This tournament Baruto was lack of impact to sumo fans.

He had not defeated 2 Yokozunas yet.
He unfortunately prove his sumo style was not fixed.
High body start was a bad habit.
Every sumo fans wonder why he lost last tournament's pushing start.

Final score is 9wins 6 losses.

Last septenmber tournament Baruto marked 12wins.
Total wins are 21 wins par 2 tournaments at "SANYAKU"(=over komusubi rank) position.

I think he needs 14 over wins in next January tournament to promote to Ozeki.
Or over 12 wins with Emperor's trophy.

But the point is not only total wins but also the imapct to fans.
Baruto should be a wrestler to frighten Yokozuna and to defeat lower rankers surely.

Anyway We Baruto fans know he will be a Yokozuna someday.
You are the only wrestler we love!
Go Baruto Go!
Final day Upper rankers result
×W-M2_Tokitenku5-10 (oshidashi) W-K_Goeido7-8
×E-K_Kisenosato6-9 (hatakikomi) W-S_Kakuryu7-8
○ E-S_Baruto9-6 (tsuridashi) E-M5_Toyonoshima11-4 ×
○ W-O_Kaio8-7 (kotenage) W-O_Kotomitsuki8-7 ×
×E-O_Kotooshu10-5 (hikiotoshi) E-O_Harumafuji9-6
×E-Y_Asashoryu11-4 (uwatenage) W-Y_Hakuho15-0
Day15 digest (Upload later)


Sumo video

I have been enjoying Sumo from my younger days.
There were a lot of nice bouts between star wrestlers.

Nihon Sumo Association and NHK(Nihon Hoso Kyokai=Japan Broadcasting Association) have much video contents,I guess ,but it is very difficult for us to watch them now.

I am one of sumo fans and I have been longing to share sumo culture and nice bouts to the world.
Internet comes and I had gotten idea to record bouts and to share among future me and all fans.
But before last tournament ,all my videos uploaded to YouTube were deleted by YouTube team.
So I made some bypass to let video reamain.
And as I expected some videos last and this tournament have been already deleted.

In the case you find no link to YouTube, it means the videos are deleted.
Small ones are still remained.

If you have a good idea, let me know!

November 28, 2009

Day14 vs Hokutoriki (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

This is it!
This is sumo style which we want Baruto do!

Baruto grasped opponent belt and mad his head attached to opponent breast and made his body lower.
And finally ,"Hikitsuke"(=pulling opponent belt bilaterally) and "Yorikiri"
Lower body made inevitably his stepping forward movement stable.(="Suriashi")

Stepping should be "Suriashi"(=not like a walking ,like a skating on the ground).
And Yorikiri should be with "Koshi wo waru"(=waist down).

I felt Baruto tried to do so.

Of course,the starting position was still high but I was very happy Baruto tried to pursuit an ideal style of traditional sumo.
****click to YouTube HQ
sekiwake BARUTO ○(YORIKIRI)× Hokutorikki maegashir #4

Baruto has marked 8 wins and got "KACHI KOSHI"(=8 over wins).

Upper rankers result Day14

○E-K_Kisenosato6-8 (yorikiri) W-M2_Tokitenku5-9 ×
○ E-S_Baruto8-6 (yorikiri) E-M4_Hokutoriki7-7 ×
×E-M3_Tochiozan5-9 (uwatenage) W-S_Kakuryu6-8
○ E-O_Harumafuji8-6 (uwatenage) E-M5_Toyonoshima11-3 ×
○ W-K_Goeido6-8 (yorikiri) W-O_Kaio7-7 ×
×E-Y_Asashoryu11-3 (yorikiri) E-O_Kotooshu10-4
×W-O_Kotomitsuki8-6 (uwatenage) W-Y_Hakuho14-0
**Hakuho got this tournament champion trophy.
This is his 12th title. And he has marked 85 wins in this year.
This is new record in sumo history.

Meet Day 14 digest HERE .

November 27, 2009

Day13 vs Aminishiki (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

sekiwake BARUTO ○(KOTENAGE)× AMINISHIKI maegashira #1

7 wins 6 losses

Baruto's Kotenage is very mere.
Needless to say,Kotenage Player is ozeki Kaio.
If Baruto does this submission like a Kiao's Kotenage,opponet's elbow will be broken,hahaha.

Upper ranker's result and video Day13

November 26, 2009

Day12 vs Kotomitsuki (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)


6 wins 6 losts

Win is win!
Upper rankers result
○E-K_Kisenosato5-7 (hatakikomi )E-M1_Takekaze5-7
○ E-M2_Kotoshogiku8-4 (yorikiri )W-K_Goeido4-8
W-M1_Aminishiki4-8 (okuridashi )W-S_Kakuryu5-7 ○
E-O_Kotooshu9-3 (oshidashi )E-M5_Toyonoshima10-2
○ E-S_Baruto6-6 (tsukiotoshi )W-O_Kotomitsuki7-5
E-Y_Asashoryu11-1( tsukiotoshi )E-O_Harumafuji6-6 ○
W-O_Kaio7-5 (uwatedashinage) W-Y_Hakuho12-0
Day12 digest are HERE

November 25, 2009

Day11 vs Kotooshu (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

****click to TouTube HQ


5 wins 6 losts

Nothing to say today, But all your fans wishes you never give up.
The longest journey begins with a single step.

Day11digest is HERE!

November 24, 2009

Day10 vs Takekaze (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Past resluts are 2 wins' Baruto 2wins' Takekaze.

Takekaze is a rusher.

****click tou YouTube HQ

Baruto underestimated Takekaze,didn't he?
Baruto had no idea though he lost 2 in the past.
Same way.
Same scene.
Same lost.

sekiwkae BARUTO ×(OSHIDASHI)○ TAKEKAZE maegashira#1

5 wins 5 losts

Makuuchi Division Day 10 result
↓long version from Homasho vs Iwakiyama to the end
○ E-M15 Yamamotoyama2-8 (yorikiri) W-J1 Hakuba5-5
○ E-M12 Shotenro6-4 (yorikiri) W-M12 Toyohibiki4-6
○ E-M11 Tamawashi7-3 (okuritaoshi) W-M14 Kimurayama3-7
○ W-M13 Mokonami7-3 ( yorikiri) W-M11 Takamisakari7-3
○ E-M10 Asasekiryu4-6 (yorikiri) W-M15 Shimotori5-5
○ E-M13 Tosayutaka6-4 (yorikiri) W-M10 Kokkai4-6
 E-M14 Kasugao2-8 (oshidashi) W-M9 Miyabiyama8-2
 E-M7 Tamanoshima3-7 (yorikiri) W-M8 Tochinoshin8-2
○ E-M6 Wakanosato4-6 (uwatenage) E-M8 Aran2-8
○ E-M5 Toyonoshima8-2 (sukuinage) W-M6 Kyokutenho5-5
○ E-M9 Yoshikaze9-1 (yorikiri) W-M5 Kakizoe6-4
W-M7 Homasho4-6 (yorikiri) W-M4 Iwakiyama2-8
○ E-M2 Kotoshogiku6-4 (yorikiri) E-M4 Hokutoriki4-6
 W-M3 Bushuyama3-7 ( hikiotoshi) W-M2 Tokitenku3-7 ○
○ E-K Kisenosato4-6 (oshidashi) W-M1 Aminishiki4-6
 E-S Baruto5-5 (oshidashi) E-M1 Takekaze5-5 ○
 W-K Goeido3-7 (hikiotoshi) W-S Kakuryu3-7 ○
○ E-O Harumafuji5-5 (yorikiri) W-O Kotomitsuki6-4
 E-O Kotooshu8-2 (oshitaoshi) W-O Kaio7-3 ○
○ E-Y Asashoryu10-0 (tsuridashi) E-O Chiyotaikai2-8(LOST OZEKI)
 E-M3 Tochiozan3-7 (yorikiri) W-Y Hakuho10-0

Day 10 Makuuchi Division Digest

November 23, 2009

Day9 vs Asashoryu (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

This is Baruto's 8th challenge to Yokozuna Asashoryu.
Until 7th,no win for Baruto.

To promotoe to ozeki for Baruto,To defeat Yokozuna is a must item.

****click to YouTubeHQ

Baruto today showed a low position attack at starting and a quick step forward.
But Baruto could not keep low position and could not push Yokozuna out of ring.
Yokozuna counterattacked with "Maemitsu."
Baruto could not get Yokozuna's belt.
When Baruto tried to grasp belt,
Yokozuna made Baruto unballanced and threw him to ground.

Baruto did not win but he showed us he was improving.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(KAKENAGE)× ASASHORYU yokozuna

6 wins 3 losts(I made a mistake)
→ 5 wins 4 losts( I re-wrote on 11/24)
Upper ranker's results

E-M4 Hokutoriki4-5 (yorikiri ) W-M6 Kyokutenho5-4
W-M4 Iwakiyama1-8 (ketaguri ) W-M2 Tokitenku2-7
○ E-M2 Kotoshogiku5-4 (oshidashi) W-M1 Aminishiki4-5
E-M1 Takekaze4-5 (yorikiri) W-K Goeido3-6
○ E-O Harumafuji4-5 (shitatenage) W-M3 Bushuyama3-6
W-S Kakuryu2-7 (yorikiri) W-O Kotomitsuki6-3
○ E-O Kotooshu8-1 (yorikiri) E-K Kisenosato3-6
E-M3 Tochiozan3-6 (yorikiri) W-O Kaio6-3
E-O Chiyotaikai2-7 (yorikiri) W-Y Hakuho9-0
○ E-Y Asashoryu9-0 (kakenage) E-S Baruto5-4
↓ long version of upper ranker bouts Day9(53min)

Day9 digest ,you can watch from THIS CLICK!

November 22, 2009

Day8 vs Harumafuji (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Harumafuji is not well in this tournament.
His score until yesterday was 3 wins 4 losts.
I think he lost his style to get "Maemitsu" at start.
He does not have a huge body size so ,if he lost his rocket start,
it means ,,,,,you can guess.
****click to YouTube HQ
Baruto pulled up Harumafuji and swang him out of ring.
But ring side judges said "Monoii" and re-judged about Baruto steppe out before Harumafuji feet on the ground.
The conclusion was Baruto's win but I really wonder if he did "Isamiashi".


5 wins 3 losts

Go! Baruto,Go!

Upper ranker result
○ E-K Kisenosato3-5 (yorikiri) W-K Goeido2-6
E-M4 Hokutoriki 4-4 (yorikiri) W-O Kotomitsuki5-3
○ E-O Kotooshu7-1 (hikiotoshi) W-M2 Tokitenku1-7
E-O Chiyotaikai 2-6 (oshidashi) W-O Kaio5-3
E-O Harumafuji 3-5 (tsuridashi) E-S Baruto5-3
○ E-Y Asashoryu8-0 (okurinage) E-M3 Tochiozan3-5
W-S Kakuryu2-6 (uwatenage) W-Y Hakuho8-0

November 21, 2009

Day7 vs Hakuho (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Baruto's 11th challenge for Hakuho.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(UCHIGAKE)○ HAKUHO yokozuna
4wins 3 losts.
Upper rankers results

○ E-O Kotooshu6-1 (okuridashi) W-K Goeido2-5
E-O Chiyotaikai2-5 (oshidashi) E-M3 Tochiozan3-4 ○
E-M2 Kotoshogiku3-4 (yorikiri) W-O Kaio4-3 ○
E-O Harumafuji3-4 (hikiotoshi) E-M1 Takekaze3-4 ○
E-K Kisenosato2-5 (oshidashi ) W-O Kotomitsuki4-3 ○
E-S Baruto4-3 (uchigake ) W-Y Hakuho7-0 ○
○ E-Y Asashoryu7-0 (uwatenage) W-S Kakuryu2-5
Day7 digest are here.

November 20, 2009

Day6 vs Kakuryu (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

We have six grand sumo tournaments in a year.
  • Jan:Hatsu-Basho or Ichigatsu-Basho (Tokyo)
  • March:Haru-Basho or Sangatsu-Basho (Osaka)
  • May:Natsu-Basho or Gogatsu-Basho(Tokyo)
  • July:Nagoya-Basho or Shichigatsu-Basho (Nagoya)
  • Sep:Aki-Basho or Kugatsu-Basho (Tokyo)
  • Nov:Kyushu-Basho or Jyuichigatsu-Basho (Hakata)

Now Kyushu-basho is held at Fukuoka Kokusai Center
The capacity is 7000 seats.

But we can see many vacant seats through my video.

Do you know why?

I think the reason is only two wrestler (Hakuho and Asashoryu) is too strong.
We,sumo fans , want a new hero!

Do you know who will be a new hero?

No doubt it is our BARUTO.

If Baruto shows big scale bout like today, he must be more popular.


Today's opponent sekiwake Kakuryu is from mongol.
He has not express his sumo style yet and score until yesterday is 2 wins 3 losts.

****clock to YouTube HQ

Baruto caredKakuryu's SOTOGAKE and pulled up fully and made Kakuryu out of ring(=dohyo).

Perfect win!!

sekiwake BARUTO ○(TSURIDASHI)× KAKURYU sekiwake

4 wins 2 losts.

Upper rankes results
E-O Chiyotaikai 2-4( sukuinage) W-M1 Aminishiki 3-3 ○
W-M2 Tokitenku1-5 (yorikiri ) W-O Kaio3-3 ○
○ E-O Harumafuji3-3 (yorikiri) E-K Kisenosato2-4
○ W-M3 Bushuyama3-3 (hikiotoshi) W-O Kotomitsuki3-3
○ E-O Kotooshu5-1 (yorikiri) E-M1 Takekaze2-4
○ E-Y Asashoryu6-0 (tsukiotoshi) E-M2 Kotoshogiku3-3
W-K Goeido2-4 (uwatedashinage) W-Y Hakuho6-0 ○
Day6 digest if you want to watch,please click to Ustream channel!

Tomorow Baruto will fight against Yokozuna HAKUHO!!
We hope you beat Hakuho,BARUTO!!

November 19, 2009

Day5 vs Goeido (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Today's opponet Goeido is a rushing type Komusubi.
Past one year win and lost records were
  • 2009Sep----no bout
  • 2009July---no bout
  • 2009 May--○Baruto(KOTENAGE)Goeido×
  • 2009Mar---×Baruto(UCCHARI)Goeido○
  • 2009Jan----×Baruto(YORIKIRI)Goeido○
  • 2009Nov---○Baruto(HATAKIKOMI)Goeido×
Goeido has a high pressure starting and rushing forward skill.
Whenever Baruto defeated Goeido, Goeido lost because of his mistake.

Today's Baruto sumo-ed very well.
He reminded last tournament pushing start style.
His stepping pressure was enough to make Goeido unbalanced.
Only Baurto had to do was to use Goeido counter forward power .
Goeido fell down easily.

Sign of spring!

sekiwake BARUTO ○(HATAKIKOMI) GOEIDO komusubi

3 wins 2 losts

Upper rankes resuls DAY5
○Baruto (hatakikomi) Goeido
○Kakuryu (yorikiri) Kaio
Harumafuji (oshidashi) Tochiozan○
○Aminishiki (shitatenage) Kotomitsuki
○Kotooshu (yorikiri) Hokutoriki
Chiyotaikai (hatakikomi) Takekaze ○
Tokitenku (uwatenage) Hakuho○
○Asashoryu (hatakikomi) Kisenosato

November 18, 2009

Day4 vs Kisenosato (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Kisenosato is ranked Komusubi in this tournament.
He is one of ozeki candidates.(Baruto also)

Kisenosato is considered as a customer to buy "KURO BOSHI(=lost),,,,,,,,
Past results beetween them are 7win's Baruto and only 1 win's Kisenosato.

What do you think of today's bout?

Baruto won but he started with high waist position,,,,,.
I think Baruto has not found his Sumo style yet.

sekiwake BAUTO ○(SUKUINAGE)× KISENOSATO komusubi

2 wins 2 losts.

This is where your patience is needed most,Baruto!

Day4 results for upper rankers

○Harumafuji (oshidashi) Kakuryu  
**Harumafuji showed bad manner after bout ended.
Tochiozan (yorikiri) Kotomitsuki○
Kotooshu (oshitaoshi) Aminishiki ○
Chiyotaikai (okuridashi) Goeido○
**Goeido defeated Referee (=gyouji) !!
○Takekaze (okuridashi) Kaio
○Asashoryu (oshidashi) Tokitenku
**Asasshoryu showed band manner ,too.
Kotoshogiku (uwatenage) Hakuho○


Whole digest DAY4 is you can watch this CLICK to Ustream

November 17, 2009

Day3 vs Kaio (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Kaio is a 37 years old and popular ozeki who has kept ozeki rank more over 9years.

****click to YouTube HQ

Kaio's "KOTENAGE" is often called "Kaio Nage".
His Kotenage is different from other wrestlers way.
Sometimes a wrestler who is thrown by Kaio got injured his elbow.

Come on! BARUTO!

sekiwake BARUTO ×(KOTENAGE)○ KAIO ozeki

1 win 2 losts

Upper rankers result Day3

Kotoshogiku (oshidashi) Kakuryu ○
○Goeido (shitatenage) Kotomitsuki○
○Kotooshu (sukuinage) Bushuyama
Chiyotaikai (oshidashi) Kisenosato ○
Baruto   (kotenage)  Kaio ○ Kaio marked 800wins in Makuuchi division.
Harumafuji (hikiotoshi) Tokitenku ○
Aminishiki (yorikiri)  Hakuho○
○Asashoryu (yorikiri) Takekaze

Whole digest are you can watch from this click!!

November 16, 2009

Day2 vs Kotoshogiku (Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Kotoshogiku is ranked Maegashira #2 in this tournament.
The results between them in 2009 were ,
  • 2009 sep Baruto ○(yorikiri)× Kotoshogiku
  • 2009july Baruto ○(tsuridashi)×Kotoshogiku
  • 2009may no bout
  • 2009mar Baruto ○(Hatakikomi)×Kotoshogiku
  • 2009jan Baruto ×(Sukuinage)○ Kotoshogiku

I guess Kotoshogiku had planned his strategy carefully.
Kotoshogiku did not allow Baruto to grasp his belt.
Kotoshogiku got inside of Baruto and made use of his big berry to lift Baruto up(="Gaburiyori")

Baruto's start was very dull.
His waist position was very high and stepping forward pressure was loose.

But this defeat comes to Baruto's senses certainly.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(YORIKIRI)○ KOTOSHOGIKU maegashira#2

1 win 1 lost

Upper rankers results Day2
○Kotooshu  (yorikiri ) Tochiozan
○Chiyotaikai  (oshidashi) Kakuryu
○Kisenosato  (sukuinage) Kaio
○Harumafuji  (yoritaoshi) Goeido
×Tokitenku  (katasukashi) Kotomitsuki ○
○ Asashoryu (yorikiri) Aminishiki
×Takekaze (yorikiri ) Hakuho ○

Impression after 2 days,
Asa and Hakuho shows that they are well-prepared.

Click to Day2 daigest

Day1 vs Tochiozan(Kyusu-Basho 2009 Nov)

Every wrestler is very nervous on a first day of every tournament.

Today's Baruto also fought with full of cares to start this tournament safely.

His waist position and stepping manner was not good.
But first win on first day is best outcome.

Sekiwake BARUTO ○(YORIKIRI)× TOCHIOZAN maegashira #3

1 win.