November 27, 2010

Day14 vs Hakuho (Kyushu-Basho 2010Nov)

Grand Sumo Tournament Kyushu-Basho Day14(Saturday)

Sorry for updating lately.

Championship race has 4 candidates before bouts today.
1 lose Hakuho and Toyonoshima.
2 loses Baruto and Kaio.
3 loses Goeido.

We have Hakuho vs Baruto and Toyonoshima vs Kaio.
If Hakuho or Toyonoshima win,Goeido is no more champion in this tournament.

Hakuho(now 12-1) was lost by Kisenosato.
Baruto(now11-2) was lost by Homasho and Toyonoshima.

Past result is Baruto got 1 win and 15 loses.
1 win was 2010Jan.(click to my post)

Baruto this tournament has not showed pushing style much.
But I hope Baruto show pushing style for Yokozuna.
because no chance is coming to baruto in "Yotsu-Sumo"(=grip belt each other) style,I think.

Baruto trie to get left grip but he could not.
Hakuho smoothly got his style.
Hakuho rushed with his grip style.
No chance for Baruto to recover.

Hakuho showed fast and logical sumo.

Ozeki Baruto ○(YOROKIRI)× Hakuho Yokozuna

11 wins 3 loses.

Baruto has no chance to championship this tournament.

Baruto, we have tomorrow!!

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