September 15, 2008

Day1 vs Asashoryu (Kugatu-Basho 2008 Sep)

Sumo world is surrounded by a big scandal now.
But 1st day of Kugatu(=Sep)-Basho was held.

Baruto met a big wall from 1st day.
Asashoryu is Yokozuna and Baruto had not been able to win until today.

Baruto is ranked Komusubiin this tournament.
This is his first time to be ranked Komusubi,it means he has to fight against upper ranked from beginning.

The result was not bad.
Baruto could gripped Yokozuna's belt and could make Yokozuna feel pressure,so
Yokozuna pulled .
This meant Baruto did a  good fight.

(komusui)BAUTO ×(HIKIOTOSHI)○ ASASHORYU(yokozuna)


Martin said...

Hey very nice blog!
I am from Estonia like Baruto. And i am fan of him. Thank you for posting these nice videos and other good stuff.
Keep up good work man!

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

hi! Martin,thank you for your comment.
Ihope my blog will be loved by you for ever.

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