November 19, 2008

Day10 vs Chiyotaikai (Kyushu-Basho 2008 Nov)

Chiyotaikai Is an Ozeki ranker.
His style is rusher(=tukioshi).
Past result are Baruto2wins and Chiyotaikai4wins.

Chiyotaikai's result in this tournament is 6wins 3losses.
Chiyotaikai has a weak point in his elbow but he has fought well in this tournament.
"chiyo" means thousand years and crown name of Kokonoe beya(=gym).
"taikai" means big sea and it reminds us a big scale and big hope.

Big Surprised.
Baruto did quick and lower position start.
Baruto is gradually improving.
His high position and slow start is his weak point until last tournaments.

Baruto could grip Chiyo's belt(=mawashi).
This meant Chiyo coulld not show his rush style.

Perfect Victory!!


Baruto has reached to KACHIKOSHI(= 8 wins)!!!!

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