July 30, 2011

Day15 vs Hakuho(Nagoya-Basho 2011)

Harumafuji has already decided this tournament title of Makuuchi division Champion.

But today our interest is ,,,,of course,
Baruto vs Hakuho.

Baruto has defeated Yokozuna Hakuho once.
And Yokozuna this tournament is not real.
Hakuho challenged straight 8 champion of thournament but his challenge was stopped by yesterdays lost by Harumafuji.

We think Baruto has chance to overcome Yokozuna's wall.

Slow motion video

Check in point
Baruto succeeded in staring and grip Yokozuna's belt in its best position.


Baruto reached to 11 wins!!

To promote to Yokozuna, Ozkei has to get 2 straight champions or sub champion.
2011 may 10-5
2011 july 14-1
2011 sep Harumfuji needs champion title or sub champion with over 14 wins because of may tournament was only 10 wins.
Former Yokozuna Takanohana suggested "over 14 wins are must" after final day.
14 wins are very high condition.

11 wins are very important.Baruto got 11 wins.
As you know, the condition of promotion to Ozeki is 33 wins in 3 tournaments.
So 11 wins and defeating Yokozuna give a good impression for promotion to Yokozuna.
Anyway Baruto tried to change his starting style(not to push) and grip right otuside.
I think to promote to Yokozuna ,to brash up this tactic is good.

Okinoumi vs Kotooshu

Kisenosato vs Harumafuji

Day15 final day"s upper rankers result


Harumafuji did not get 15 straight wins.

Day14 vs Kotooshu (Hatsu-Basho 2011 Jan)

Sorry for updating late.

Day14 Nagoya-Basho,our baruto meets Ozeki Kotooshu.
Kotooshu has faced "Kadoban"(=if he lost over 8,he falls down to sekiwake rank).
But Kotooshu has already passed 9 wins after day13.

Before Baruto's promotion to ozeki,we did not have a good mempory of win to Kotooshu.
How is today?

Kotooshu this tournament returns to basic.
This give him a good result.
"Maemitus"(=grip front part of belt) is very effective.
Baruto today was uprighted by Kotooshu's "Maemitsu".


Kotoshogiku vs Wakanosato

Hakuho vs Harumafuji

Day14 Result of Upper Rankers
day14 result 2011july

Harumafuji defeated Yokozuna Hakuho and got Emperor's cup of Nagoya-Basho.
Sekiwake Kotoshogiku lost 4th so his promotion to Ozeki after this tournament is gone.

July 25, 2011

Day13 vs Kotooshu (Nagoya-basho 2011July)

Grand Sumo Tournament day13.

Baruto has huge body so he fought with his physical merit in rhe bout to harumafuji.
Harumafuji knows it well.

This is why harumafuji chose his starting tactics today.....

Baruto vs Harumafuji

Baruto dropped down from champion race.


Harumafuji keeps no lose.

Kotoshogiku vs Okinoumi

Hakuho vs Kotooshu

Day13 Upper Rankers Result
day13 result 2011july

Kotoshogiku has to win to 12 wins for promoting to Ozeki.
Today he lost third.
He can not lose anymore.

Sorry orz

My PC is out of order now.

iPhone is only my tool now.

I will update day 13,14,final day articles and videos tomorrow.

I think you have already known BARUTO defeated Yokozuna and Ozeki Harumafuji got champion cup.

Yes, our BARUTO did it and marks 11-4 score in this tournament.

I hope you continue to visit my blog and love BARUTO.


July 22, 2011

Day12 vs Takekaze (Nagoya-Basho 2011July)

Grand Sumo Tournament Day12.
Emperor's cup race (day11 end)
No loser Harumafuji
1 loser Hakuho
2 loser Baruto Kotoshogiku Homasho

Ozeki candidate Kotoshogiku has already marked 9 wins.
Promotion magic number for Kotoshogiku is 12 wins.
2011Mar:no tournament

How do you think?
Sekiwake Kotoshogiku fits on Ozeki?

Today Baruto has Takekaze.
Tomorrow Baruto meets Harumafuji.

Baruto has trend to lose in last few days in the past tournament.
Today's bout is very important.

This is Baruto's way.

10 wins 2 lost.

Toyonoshima vs Tochinoshin

Kotoshogiku vs Kakuryu
Sekiwake vs Sekiwake

Kaisei vs Harumafuji

Kisenosato vs Kotooshu

Hakuho vs Okinoumi

Upper rankers result Day12
Day12 result 2011 July

No loser Harumafuji
1 loser Hakuho
2 loser Baruto Kotoshogiku

Tomorrow Baruto vs Harumafuji , Hakuho vs Kotooshu.

Baruto must win to survive to champion race.

July 21, 2011

Day11 vs Aminishiki (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Baruto vs Aminishiki
9 wins 2 lost.

Kotooshu vs Harumafuji

Hakuho vs Kotoshogiku

day11 result 2011 July

Day10 vs Kotoshogiku (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Baruto vs Kotoshogiku


8 wins 2 lost.

Wakakoyu vs Harumafuji

Hakuho vs Kisenosato

Kaio vs Kotooshu
After this bout,Kaio decided his retirement.
His 1047 wins are unreachable records.
Thank you,Ozeki Kaio.
He is 38 years old and his career in Sumo is 24 years.

day10 result_2011 July

July 19, 2011

Day9 vs Kisenosato (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Day9 Baruto meets Kisenosato.
Kisenosato is fomous for breaking Yokozuna Hakuho straight wins.

Baruto this tournament has tried to get outside grip after pushing start.
Today Baruto also tried to grip but he missed and changed his tactics to pulling.

I think light pushing start and to grip outside is not bad.

Pulling is sometimes thought bad habit.
But most important is to win now.


Aminishiki vs Kotooshu

Kaio vs Wakakoyu

Kotoshogiku vs Harumafuji

Hakuho vs Kakuryu

Day9 Result
Day9 result 2011 July

Day8 vs Wakakoyu (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Ozeki BARUTO ○(YORIKIRI)× WAKAKOYU Maegashira #3

7 wisn 1 lost

Kaio vs Kotoshogiku

Okinoumi vs Harumafuji

Goeido vs Kotooshu
Which one won you think?

Hakuho vs Aminishiki

Day7 vs Tochinoshin (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)


6 wins 1 lost.

Hakuho vs Wakakoyu
Wakakoyu showed nice fighting spirit.

Day6 vs Toyonoshima (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)


5 wins 1 lost!

Hakuho vs Goeido

Day5 vs Kakuryu (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Oh,my god!!


4 wins 1 lost.

Best bout today.
Hakuho vs Toyonoshima

Day4 vs Toasayutaka (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Day4 Our Bartuo has Tosayutaka.
But Tosa got injured at yesterday's bout with Ozeki Kotooshu.

Ozeki BARUTO ○(default)× TOSAYUTAKA Maegashira#1

Ozeki Kaio has tied to record of former Yokozuna Chiyonofuji 1045 wins in Makuuchi Division.

July 12, 2011

Day3 vs Kyokutenho (Nagoya-Basho 2011 Jily)

Grand Sumo Tournament Nagoya Basho Day3.

Baruto is perfect after day2.
First day vs Goeido:won by Tsuridashi.
Day2 vs Yoshikaze : won by Uwatedashinage.

And day3 Baruto meets Kyokutenho.
Kyokutenho is not a tricky wrestler.
Baruto has not been defeated by Kyokutenho for about 2 years.

It is the standard move to rush forward when opponent does "Makikaea(=outside to insaide grip)".
Todays Baruto did this standard move when Kyokutenho di "Makikae".
Very quick response!!

Ozeki Baruto ○(YORIKIRI)× Kyokutenoho Maegashira #2

3 wins!!!

Day3 result 2011July

July 11, 2011

Day2 vs Yoshikaze (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Day2 Baruto has Yoshikaze.

Day2 result 2011 July

Day1 vs Goeido (Nagoya-Basho 2011 July)

Grand Sumo Tornament Nagoya Basho Day1.

Our Baruto meets Komusubi Goeido.
Goeido 4wins to Baruto 6 wins were past result.

How do you think first day bout?
I think Baruto's new tactics was "Hari-Dashi".
When he started,Baruto slapped Goeido's cheek.
This tactics sometimes makes opponent lost his rushing power.

Baruto gripped outside but his waist position was still high.
I have mentioned this high waist position matter.
But first day's win was the best result.

Baruto!! Go,Baruo,go!!


Day1 result 2011 July

July 10, 2011

Today we have first day

Hope you are well!

May tournament was a technical eaxamination.
And July tournament (@Nagoya) is a new born grand sumo tournament.

All sumo fans around the world has been longing for today.

Our Baruto and other sumo wrestlers have trained much for today.

The points of this touranmet are

Hakuho is the nearest to Emperor's Cup but Hakuho was not Hakuho in May.
So other wrestler have chances to beat Yokozuna.
Who defeats Yokozuna?

Kaisei can show his sumo style for top rankers or not.

Kotoshogiku can be a next Ozeki candidate or not.

Kotooshu overcomes his "Kadoban" or not.

And our Baruto can ride on wave or not.
Baruto had showed his good sumo when he could concentrate and not think much...
I hope Baruto gets his first Emperor's cup in this tournament.

Let's enjoy Sumo and fight with Baruto for 15days!!!


July 9, 2011

Snow Leopard name is "Baruto"

I hope you are well.

Nagoya basho will start in the middle of July.
I want to share new born Sumo and Baruto activities in this blog.

I got a big news from my friend Max.

Tere, Chuchai!
I hope now when sumo troubled times are over (I hope) we will have nice tournament in coming 2 weeks.
I decided to send you one of the latest and a bit „yellow“ news that Tallinn zoo decided to name the new-born snow leopard cub „Baruto“ - http://mcaf.ee/mvxr3 is Estonian language news about that.
Maybe it is interesting to mention in your blog as well.
All the best! And if you will be in Sumo hall – support Baruto from my side as well! Hope he will have good sumo and tournament! One day he will hold the Emperor’s Cup at the end of basho!

snow lepard name is Baruto

I want to meet this pretty Baruto in the future!!


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