July 10, 2011

Today we have first day

Hope you are well!

May tournament was a technical eaxamination.
And July tournament (@Nagoya) is a new born grand sumo tournament.

All sumo fans around the world has been longing for today.

Our Baruto and other sumo wrestlers have trained much for today.

The points of this touranmet are

Hakuho is the nearest to Emperor's Cup but Hakuho was not Hakuho in May.
So other wrestler have chances to beat Yokozuna.
Who defeats Yokozuna?

Kaisei can show his sumo style for top rankers or not.

Kotoshogiku can be a next Ozeki candidate or not.

Kotooshu overcomes his "Kadoban" or not.

And our Baruto can ride on wave or not.
Baruto had showed his good sumo when he could concentrate and not think much...
I hope Baruto gets his first Emperor's cup in this tournament.

Let's enjoy Sumo and fight with Baruto for 15days!!!


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