September 30, 2008

Day15 vs Kakuryu (Kugatu-Basho 2008 Sep)

If Baruto wins today,he will be upper ranker SEKIWAKE in the next tournament.
If he losses today,he will lost KOMUSUBI position in the next tournament.
There are big differences between 7wins 8losses(=MAKEKOSHI)  and 8wins 7losses(=KACHIKOSHI) .

They fought three times!
First was judged Kakuryu's step out and Baruto's step out timing was same.
So they did TORINAOSHI(=re-fight)
Second was judged Baruto did not touch ground enough at staring.
Third was Baruto used hid body size enough.

First fight Baurto should shift hs waist positon lower not to step out his left leg.
I think Baruto thought Kakuryu would be injured if he continued to rash.
This is baruto's kind scene maybe because he has known sadness of injured time.
I want to emphasize Baruto is a very strong with hearty and kind finghter.

komusubi BARUTO ○(TSURIDASHI)× KAKURYU maegashira#5

Total score of this turnament is
8wins 7losses!!!!

Great job,BARUTO!!!

I think,YOU will be SEKIWAKE next time!


Astrozombbie said...

Amazing Fight!!!

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

yess-s,I think so,too.
the point is TSURIDASHI is Baruto's special choice for a fight with a smaller one.

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