March 19, 2009

Day2 vs Kotoshogiku(Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Today's opponent "Koto-Sho-Giku" is ranked Maegashira #2.
We,Japanese,love his Sumo style because of his strength bette than his small boday size.

This bout is this tournament's Baruto tuch stone whether Baruto marks big result or not.

Baruto won by way of "hatakikomi"
This meant Baruto overthink to win.
His waist position was higher than last tournament.

Kotoshogiku lost but he showed a good sumo.

Baruto! please postion your waist lower and make your arm pit and elbow a little tighter on start.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(HATAKIKOMI)× KOTOSHOGIKU maegashira#2.

Baruto has marked 2 wins.

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