March 23, 2009

Day8 vs Hakuho (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Both Yokozuna Hakuho and Asashoryu shows speedy and sure bout every day.

Baruto challenge to push style everyday.
On first day,Baruto pushed Miyabiyama with crash sound.
Perfect win.
But Baruto has not get his pushing style yet.

As i comment everyday,My suggestion is wanting him to re-change to Yotu=grasp belt style.

I know every readers do not forget last tournament big bout with Hakuho.
Though Baruto lost, He did a good sumo.

what does Baruto do ?

You enjoy full size bout video?
I hope so.

I know,you know,Baruto did try to do his sumo.
Hakuho ,he is Yokozuna,has a good skill and filled with self-esteem.
But this bout need long time unitl the end.

hi! everybody! Baruto's sumo will be improved from tomorrow,because today's bout wakens up Baruto's sumo.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(YORIKIRI)○ Hakuho yokozuna

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