March 30, 2009

Haru-Basho(2009 Mar.) Final Result

It is easy to expect the ranking next tournament.
Sekiwake Kisenosato marked Makekoshiso,so go down to Maegashira.
Also Komusubi Kyokutenho lost much,so go down to Maegashira.
Komusubi Goeido marked 9 wins,so go up to Sekiwake(second time)!
Maegashira#1 Kakuryu will go up to Komusubi(first time).
Maegashira#2Tochiozan will go up to Komusubi(first time).

Our Baruto keep Sekiwake position in the next tournament,of course.
As I said before, Baruto needs over 33 wins within 3 tournament to promote to Ozeki.
Onlymarking 8 wins with keeping in sekiwake rank,it is not enough to promote to Ozeki.

Baruto! You still have chance to go up!
Please keep on challenging!

March 29, 2009

Day15 vs Kotomitsuki (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Baruto has ability to fight against upper rankers evenly.
You can see his bouts against Yokzuna Hakuho,Asashoryu and understand what I meant.
But Baruto this tournament could not express his fighting well.
That's why he has not got 8 wins yet.

Today's opponent Kotomitsuki .Kotomitsuki 4 wins Baruto only 1 win ,this is past result.
Baruto's last day opponent is a big wall.

Kotomitsuki is a Kadoban Ozeki (= last touranment he lost 8 over ,if he lost 8 over again in this tournament,he lost his Ozeki position) and he has already got 8 over wins.
It means this bout is 7 winsBaruto vs 8 wins Kotomistuki.

I thought this is the point of this bout.

All Baruto fans are waiting for this day Baruto gets Kachikoshi(=8wins over).
I can hear loud voice of all you fans now.
This bout had a really surprized ending.
I think junction to win or loose was spirit which one was eager to win.

Baruto! You are great !
Every fan of you are cheering everyday after you marked 7 losses.
We are now excited and feel so good!


Baruto! we are waiting new Baruto full of fighting spirits next tournament!

Best Bout Asashoryu vs Kotooshu (Day14 Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Best Bout Hakuho vs Kaio (Day14 Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Hakuho reached 14 wins and he got champion in this tournament.

Day14 vs Kisenosato (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Kisenosato is the new born sekiwake in this tournament but he has already marked 9 losses.
He icould not express himself in this tournament.

Baruto won by Sukuinage.
I think Baruto could fight and win more easily if he grasp opponent's belt by both hands like today's bout.
I should not mention it now.
We need one more win!!

sekiwake BARUTO ○(SYKUINAGE)× KISENSATO sekiwake

7wins 7 losses.

March 25, 2009

Day11 vs kakuryu (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Kakuryu is one of Mongolian wrestlers.
His name Kaku = Crane (bird)
Ryu= Dragon,same as asashou-ryu's ryu.
I thought Baruto liked this type wrestler which was small size body.

Kakuryu faked on the start.
He changed his position and pulled Baruto's arm.
Baruto was unbalanced completely.

This bout is symbolic of Baruto this tournament.
Baruto lost his start style like last tournament.

sekiwake BARUTO×(YORITAOSHI)○ KAKURYU mmaegashira #1

If Baruto marks one more losses,he lost his sekiwake position.

BARUTO,please hear our voice!
You have nothing to loose even if you lost your position.
Because You are Sumo wrestler to pursuit Sumo-do.

The important thing is you express yourself through Sumo.

March 24, 2009

Best Bout Asashoryu vs Harumafuji (Day10 Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Until yesterday,Asashoryu marked 9 continuous winnings with perfect sumo.
Today's opponent ozeki Harumafuji is not good in this touranament.
I am so worried about his lacknes of speed .

All sumo fans thought Harumafuji was completely defeated by Yokozuna.

Harumafuji killed Yokozuna's left arm by shifting to right and grasping the front side of Yokzuna belt.

Considering their conditions,Harumafuji selected this tactics which his shifting to right to win.

Yokozuna Hakuho won today and reached to 10 wins.

Day10 vs Hokutoriki (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Hokutoriki is a former ozeki but has marked no wins in this tournament.
Hokutoriki is pusher and puller.

After bout,Baruto shaked his head sevral taimes.
I know how you feel.
Not good sumo.

4 wins 6 losses.
Baruto,perseverance brings you power!
Pls continue search for your style.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(HIKIOTOSHI)× HOKUTORIKI maegashira maegashira #1

March 23, 2009

Day9 vs Asashoryu (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Asashoryu this tournament has been continuing perfect wins from first day.


Good name,I think, Dragon stand for meaning of promotion from ancient east asia legend.

His condition is perfect now like a dragon.

Baruto ,I think, his condition is getting better.

Yesterday's bout vs Hakuho and today's bout vs Asashoryu ,both bouts are really big bout.

Both Yokozunas think Baruto as a rival.

Baruto! Your way is right way in Sumo.
Even if you lost today,you will get right ability of sumo near future.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(YORIKIRI)○ ASASHORYU yokozuna

3wins 6 losses

Day8 vs Hakuho (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Both Yokozuna Hakuho and Asashoryu shows speedy and sure bout every day.

Baruto challenge to push style everyday.
On first day,Baruto pushed Miyabiyama with crash sound.
Perfect win.
But Baruto has not get his pushing style yet.

As i comment everyday,My suggestion is wanting him to re-change to Yotu=grasp belt style.

I know every readers do not forget last tournament big bout with Hakuho.
Though Baruto lost, He did a good sumo.

what does Baruto do ?

You enjoy full size bout video?
I hope so.

I know,you know,Baruto did try to do his sumo.
Hakuho ,he is Yokozuna,has a good skill and filled with self-esteem.
But this bout need long time unitl the end.

hi! everybody! Baruto's sumo will be improved from tomorrow,because today's bout wakens up Baruto's sumo.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(YORIKIRI)○ Hakuho yokozuna

March 22, 2009

Day7 vs Koto-oshu (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

As you know,Koto-Oshu is thought to be one of Yokozuna candidates.
But he had knee ligament injury after ozei prootion,so his sumo is very changeable every tournament.
In this tournament,he is not well,,,not so bad.
This situation suggests this is Koto-oshu.
I mean "not so bad,not so well".

Baruto is also not so well wrestler in this tournament.
After being sekiwake ranked,Baruto has been improving tournament by tournament.
But Baruto this tournament lost his style.
I think Baruto feel same thing.
Newspapers said Baruto trained much more than ever for this tournament.
This means not- so-well reason is not lack of training.

I think the reason is he lost his self-esteem now.

Baruto! please remind your Sumo style.
win or loss
lost sekiwake rank
It is not important.

The point in check is whether you do your sumo or not.

"Tuppari(=pushing)" to Koto-oshu is not your sumo style.

I am believing you,BARUTO!!


3 wins 4 losses.

March 20, 2009

Day6 vs Chiyotaikai (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Chiyotaikai,Ozeki,is not well in his elbow condition.
He has not been able to show his rushin "TUPPARI" style.
Baruto 's win.
Nothing to say today.
Chiyotaikai is not Chiyotaikai.


3 wins 3 losses.
Baruto !!! You can do it!

Day5 vs Harumafuji (Haru-Basho 2009 March)


2wins 3 losses.

In last tounament(Jan),Baruto marked 7 continuous wins from first day.
I think Baruto should check his start style the difference between those day's one and nowadays' one.
His best style is left arm down(HIDARI-SHITATE) or over(HIDARI-UWATE).

March 19, 2009

Day4 vs Kaio (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Ozeki Kaio has left elbow injury still in this tournament.

Baruto lost his sumo style.
Sumo is very simple sport.
Physical condition and mental condition have to be balanced.

Baruto!!,pls do morning exercise and warming up before bout."shiko" "teppo" many times.
And make your strat more quickly and severe to opponent.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(KOTENAGE)○ KAIO ozeki

2 wins 2 losses.

Day3 vs Goeido (Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Goeido is Komusubi ranker who thought to be an Ozeki near future.

In last tournament,Baruto was said "KACHIMINI-OSOSI" 
which meant he did not rush even if he got his own style(both belt grasp something like that)
But in this tounament,He overthink to rush forwards 
even if he did not get his own style.

That's why smaller wrestler GOEIDO swang big wrestler BARUTO at the edge.

Baruto lost his lower position start and tightness of both arms.
Very bad style has been continued from 2nd day.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(UCCHARI)○ GOEIDO komusubi

2wins 1loss.

Day2 vs Kotoshogiku(Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Today's opponent "Koto-Sho-Giku" is ranked Maegashira #2.
We,Japanese,love his Sumo style because of his strength bette than his small boday size.

This bout is this tournament's Baruto tuch stone whether Baruto marks big result or not.

Baruto won by way of "hatakikomi"
This meant Baruto overthink to win.
His waist position was higher than last tournament.

Kotoshogiku lost but he showed a good sumo.

Baruto! please postion your waist lower and make your arm pit and elbow a little tighter on start.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(HATAKIKOMI)× KOTOSHOGIKU maegashira#2.

Baruto has marked 2 wins.

March 15, 2009

Day1 vs Miyabiyama(Haru-Basho 2009 March)

Miyabiya is maegashira #3 ranker well known as a former Ozeki in his younger days.
His fighting style is pusher.

I think Baruto loves this type fighter.
Miyabiyama = Big target.
Miyabiyama = rush straightly no change on start.

Baruto's rushing power completely struck Miyabiyama's body out of Dohyo(= ring).

sekiwake BARUTO ○(OSHIDASHI)× MIYABIYAMA maegashira#3

March 10, 2009

Congratulation! Baruto married!

On Feb20th,Baruto married with Rusian lady.!!!


大相撲の関脇把瑠都が結婚 26歳のロシア人女性




March 5, 2009

Haru-Basho(2009 Mar.) ranking was released!

Spring(=Haru) grand tournament will start in Osaka this month.

Baruto is still ranked Sekiwake and aims to be Ozeki!!

In ranking,East ranker is stronger than west ranker even if same rank.
Baruto is ranked East.
New sekiwake Kisenosato is so ranked West.

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