January 23, 2010

Day14 vs Kakizoe (Hatsu-Basho 2010 Jan)

Grand Sumo Tournament 2010Jan Day 14

What an amazing sumo!!

sekiwake BARUTO ○(OSAKATE)× KAKIZOE megashira #4
11 wins 3 loses.

One more win! Baruto!
Upper Rankers Result Day 14
×E-K_Kotoshogiku6-8(yorikiri)W-M5_Kyokutenho8-6 ○
Asashoryu got "Yusho". This is his 25 times champion of Grand Sumo Tournamnet.
How rank?
No.1 Taiho (32)
No.2 Chiyonofuji(31)
No.3 Asashoryu(25)

Day14 Digest



MilazzoMan said...

Chuchai-san, hajimemashite! Uebusaito hontouni arigatou gozaimasu!

Osutoraria-jinde, nihongono gakusei desu. Saikin terebide sumou mitara, sumou ga totemo tanoshikatta desu! Baruto ga suki desu! I first discovered Baruto in a documentary on Japan last year. Not only is he a fantastic wrestler, but he seems a very fair-minded, honourable man. An inspiring role model!

Watashimo ressha ga suki desu!! 2008ni Nihonni itta toki, shinkansen ni Tokyokara Kyotomade norimashita. Uwaa, Nihonno shinkansenwa subarashii desu. Kodomono tokikara shinkansen ni noritakatta.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Dewa, MM

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

Milazzo Man san
Komento doumo arigatou gozaimasu.
Nihongo totemo umai desuyo.
Shinkansen wa Yume no chou(=super) tokkyuu(= limted express) to iwarete ita no desu yo.
Tetudo(=rail way)no blog mo mitekuda saine!


MilazzoMan said...

Chuchai-san: thanks for your kind remarks regarding my Japanese. I have much, much more to learn!

Chuchai-sanno eigo ga totemo jouzudesuyo!! When I can communicate in Japanese as fluently as you do in English, I will be happy. You should be very proud of your English-speaking abilities!

Since discovering your website just a few days ago, I have learnt a huge amount about sumo and my hero, Baruto. Mata domou arigatou gozaimashita! Watashino garufurendomo "fan"no Baruto ni narimasu!

Sugu tetsudono blog wa mite. Hai, zehi! MM

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