July 25, 2011

Day13 vs Kotooshu (Nagoya-basho 2011July)

Grand Sumo Tournament day13.

Baruto has huge body so he fought with his physical merit in rhe bout to harumafuji.
Harumafuji knows it well.

This is why harumafuji chose his starting tactics today.....

Baruto vs Harumafuji

Baruto dropped down from champion race.


Harumafuji keeps no lose.

Kotoshogiku vs Okinoumi

Hakuho vs Kotooshu

Day13 Upper Rankers Result
day13 result 2011july

Kotoshogiku has to win to 12 wins for promoting to Ozeki.
Today he lost third.
He can not lose anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harumafuji = next Yokozuna? He fought like Yokozuna this basho.

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