January 22, 2009

Day11 vs Asashoryu (Hatsu-Basho 2009 Jan)

The point of this bout is whether Baruto holdAsashoryu's belt or not.

In the start,Baruto shifted to right to hold Asa's belt by right arm outside.
This was Baruto's first time to hold Asa's belt.
But the position of holding lead to Baruto's loose.

This position is called "TATEMITSU"
It means far grip position.

Baruto coul not pull but he tried to pull and gradually Baruto's body go upright because of his grip position.
Baruto made himself bad situation.

Then Asshoryu rushed forward.

I hope Baruto do not shift.

sekiwake BARUTO ×(YORKIRI)○ ASASHORYU yokozuna

Baruto,please do exercise to make your waist position lower.

7wins 5 losses

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