January 18, 2009

Day7 vs Kotooshu (Hatsu-Basho 2009 Jan)

Kotooshu is Ozeki and he is from Bulgaria,203cm tall.
Baruto is Sekiwake and he is from Estonia,198cm tall.
Score until yesterday is Kotooshu 5wins 1 loss vs Baruto 6wins.

Both are from Europe and very tall and thought to be a star for future sumo and very good condition in this tournament.

I don't know why Baruto did not do his "YOTSU-SUMO"(=fight with grasping belt).
I think he thought he felt he lost if he did his style against big size Rikishi(=wrestler).

Today's bout result in two looser.

Because Kotooshu won by Hikiotoshi,he also could not express his Sumo soul.

Baruto! Please be patient.
You should be proud of your own style.


Baruto still keeps 1 loss.

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