January 14, 2009

Day3 vs Kisenosato (Hatsu-Basho 2009 Jan)

Today's bout is thought to be a good fight.
Sekiwake vs Komusubi.
Past results between them was Baruto 4 wins vs Kisenosato 1 win.
Until yesterday,Baruto 2wins 0 losses vs Kisenosato 0wins 2 losses.

Referee judged Kisenosato's win but 4 judges raises their hand to confirm.

We call this confirmation "MONOIRI".
4 judges are former wrestler and they are in charge of judgement during tournament.
4 judges and referee discusses with video reference.

They finally decided Baruto won.

Baruto won but he got Kisenosato's belt with both hands once and he got his style.
Baruto had to win by rushing with pressing forwards.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(SHITATENAGE)× komusubi

Baruto scored 3 wins with 0 losses!!!

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