January 25, 2009

Day15 vs Harumafuji (Hatsu-Basho 2009 Jan)

Harumafuji is new born Ozeki.
He has changed his name from Ama to Harumafuji.

Past result was 4 wins Hatumafuji and 2 wins Baruto.
Both has already decided "KACHIKOSHI"=Over 8 wins.

To memorize this tournament as a good start of 2009 ,Baruto has to get victory today.

Every sumo fans are surprized with this bout.
Baruto lifted harumafuji 's left thigh by his right arm and also pulled Harumafuji's belt by his left arm.

Everybody re-noticed Baruto's power .

Baruto marked 9 wins 6 losses.
After 7 wins,Baruto lost his way.
But last 2 days victories lead Baruto to remember his style.

Baruo! Thank you very much.
You are great !
You can do it!

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