September 23, 2009

Day11 vs Kotooshu (Kugatsu-Basho 2009 Sep)

After day10,Kotooshu and our Baruto marked 8 wins 2 loses.

Kotooshu's 2 loses were maegashira ranker Kakuryu and ozeki Kaio.
Baruo's 2 loses were yokozuna Asashoryu and Hakuho.

These facts leads to Baruto win,,,,,,.
But past one year results were Baruto's 2 wins 4 loses.
When baruto won,Kotooshu had a severe knee disability.
So 2 wins means nothing, I think.

When Baruto lost 4 ,his start style were 2 pushing(="Tuppari" or "Tsuki-oshi")
and 2 belt grabbing (="Yotsu).

What style do you choose in your start,Baruto?!

BARUTO vs KOTOOSHU ( You want to see YouTubeHD? YES)

Oh! Baruto chose tricky style!
When Baruto won by this kind of pulling submission in the past, he always shook his head.
I guessed his master had taught "no pulling" if you want to be upper rank"...something like that.

But today Baruto NEVER shook his head.

Do you know why?
I guess Baruto enjoys himself in this tournament.
Baruto = relaxed
Kotooshu=high pressured

Baruto read Kotooshu's mind on the ring.
So Baruto chose this start with full confident .
No regret No head shaking.

I agree,Baruto!


Tomorrow Baruto will fight against Kotomitsuki.

Take it easy!


Hokutoriki vs Takamisakari ( You want to see YouTubeHD? YES)
Hokutoriki is lower ranked now.
But he got 8 continuous wins until yesterday.
Today is,,,,,,?

Kisenosato vs Kakuryu ( You want to see YouTubeHD? YES)
Kakuryu, mongolian maegashira ranker, is improving.

Harumafuji vs Asashoryu ( You want to see YouTubeHD? YES)
Harumafuji respects Asashoryu.

Hakuho vs Kaio ( You want to see YouTubeHD? YES)
Safety win.

11 wins 0 lose ASASHORYU
10wins 1 lose HAKUHO
9 wins 2 loses BARUTO

ozeki CHIYOTAIKAI has quited this tournament play because of injury.

(Whole bouts digest makes you a real SUMO FAN,,,,,,You wanna be ? YES)


CJK said...

Great win, Baruto!

jaanus1 said...

Dear friends - I am Jaanus from Estonia. Can you answer a question what we are discussing here? To promote for ozeki rank, Baruto must collect his "ozeki points" from 3 consecutive tournaments. Is the result of last tournament where he got 11 wins and returned to sanyaku as komusubi, also valid for this purpose (11+ this tournament + next tournament -?).

JurekR said...

I'm afraid it is the first basho in Baruto ozeki-run. We have to wait for Ozeki Baruto to March.

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

CJK san!
Yes!!! Great win and great step to ozeki

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

jaanus1 san!
to promote to ozeki,past ozekis stepped records will be seen in my blog soon. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Concerning an ozeki rank... please, lets not get ahead of things (and create too high expectations and pressures in our heads). Everything needs time and will happen in its right time. Baruto has a good position to develop into a greate sumotori, for sure. But lets be honest, it has been the first basho where he has shown a versatility in technique and confidence that are necessary for a real winner. Lets be patient. If finds a proper balance and is ready - he will be yokozuna one day. I wish him all the best! And big thanks to Chuchai for keeping this site - thank you! Sumo, which once appeared to be just a weird exotic sport for us, has won many and many fans in Estonia.

Anonymous said...

Concerning an ozeki rank... please, lets not get ahead of things (and create too high expectations and pressures in our heads). Everything needs time and will happen in its right time. Baruto has a good position to develop into a greate sumotori, for sure. But lets be honest, it has been the first basho where he has shown a versatility in technique and confidence that are necessary for a real winner. Lets be patient. If finds a proper balance and is ready - he will be yokozuna one day. I wish him all the best! And big thanks to Chuchai for keeping this site - thank you! Sumo, which once appeared to be just a weird exotic sport for us, has won many and many fans in Estonia.

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