March 26, 2010

Day13 vs Miyabiyama (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Miyabiyama is a former ozeki age 32.
Miyabiyama means
His sumo style is a push and rusher.
Baruto targeted Miyabiyama's neck.
It is called "Nodowa"(=pushing with finger circled around throat).
Baruto suceeded in making Miyabiyama unbalanced.
Steppng forward pressure was very high.
Finally Baruto crashed down Miyabiyama by "Tsukitaoshi".
We can feel Baruto improving his pushing style in this tournament.

Evrery sumo fans think he is a real ozeki than now ozekis.
12 wins!!!
If we Baruto gets one more win,,,,,,,our Baruto will promote to Ozeki.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(TSUKITAOSHI)× MIYABIYAMA maegashira#7


Tomorrow Baruto meets 9-4 M#3 Kotoshogiku.
Past result is 6-6.They are tie.
We hope tomorrow will be The day.

Baruto win case:Last tournament(Hatsu-Basho2010)

Baruto lost case :2009nov(Kyushu-basho)

Upper Rankers Result Day13
○ E-M13_Tokitenku10-3 (oshidashi) W-M3_Kotoshogiku9-4
○ E-M2_Kyokutenho2-11 (yorikiri) E-M4_Tamawashi4-9
W-M4_Tosayutaka3-10 (tsukiotoshi) W-M1_Wakanosato5-8 ○
○ E-M1_Kakuryu4-9 (yorikiri) W-M2_Aran1-12
○ E-K_Kisenosato7-6 (oshidashi) W-M5_Homasho8-5
○ W-K_Aminishiki7-6 (uwatenage) W-S_Toyonoshima5-8
○ E-S_Baruto12-1 (tsukitaoshi) E-M7_Miyabiyama10-3

○ E-M6_Tochiozan10-3 (uwatenage) W-O_Kotomitsuki8-5

○ E-O_Harumafuji10-3 (hikiotoshi) W-O_Kotooshu9-4

○ E-Y_Hakuho13-0 (sukuinage) E-O_Kaio7-6

Day13 Digest


olafolken said...

Thank you for posting these high quality videos!

I think Baruto displayed fantastic sumo this bout. He has been learning more and more techniques and is now competent at both tsuki/oshi and on the mawashi.

The key here was his fabulous de-ashi. Miyabiyama never has de-ashi like that anymore.

Baruto is now Ozeki for sure! Won again today and even if he loses on Senshuraku, promotion is certain. Baruto for Yokozuna!

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

olafolkes san
Ozeki is only one step to Yokozuna for him,yes!
Thank you!

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