March 17, 2010

Day4 vs Aminishiki (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Today's opponent Komusubi Aminishiki is very skillful and tricky wrestler.
Past result between them is 6wins Baruto and 3wins Aminishiki.
This is not easy bout for Baruto.

As we predicted,Baruto slightly lost this bout.
Aminishiki had chance to win.
But Baruto today continued to rush and tried to chase Aminishiki's action.
Aminishiki is 31 years old.
A big and long bout was hard for older.

Baruto gripped belt by his left hand,,,he could grip.

Today is not perfect sumo. 
But all we want is win.


4 wins!

Day4 Result of Makuuchi Division

○E-M15Sagatsukasa3-1 okuridashi W-J2Tochinonada2-2
Sagatsukasa is rookie of Makuuchi.
He is only 167cm "Rikishi".
W-M16Bushuyama2-2 yorikiri W-M15Mokonami2-2 ○
○ E-M13Tokitenku4-0 yorikiri E-M16Kasugao1-3
○ E-M12Okinoumi2-2 uwatenage E-M14Kokkai2-2
W-M14Tamanoshima1-3 yorikiri W-M12Takamisakari3-1 ○
Takamisakari is very popular because of his ring performance.
○ E-M11Asasekiryu4-0 uwatenage W-M13Tokusegawa2-2
E-M9Hakuba1-3 yorikiri E-M10Kitataiki3-1 ○
○ W-M11Hokutoriki1-3 oshitaoshi W-M9Yoshikaze0-4
○ W-M10Shimotori2-2 hatakikomi W-M8Takekaze1-3
○ E-M7Miyabiyama2-2 tsukiotoshi E-M8Iwakiyama3-1
○ W-M7Kakizoe2-2 oshidashi W-M6Tochinoshin2-2
E-M5Toyohibiki1-3 oshitaoshi E-M6Tochiozan3-1 ○
○ E-M4Tamawashi2-2 oshitaoshi W-M4Tosayutaka0-4

W-M5Homasho2-2 yorikiri W-M3Kotoshogiku4-0 ○
Kotoshogiku regains his rushing start.
○ E-SBaruto4-0 shitatenage W-KAminishiki1-3

○ E-KKisenosato2-2 oshidashi W-SToyonoshima3-1
E-OKaio2-2 oshidashi E-M1Kakuryu1-3 ○

W-M1Wakanosato0-4 yorikiri W-OKotooshu3-1 ○

○ E-OHarumafuji4-0 oshitaoshi W-M2Aran0-4
Harumafuji is doing well in this tournament.

○ E-M3Goeido2-2 shitatenage W-OKotomitsuki2-2
Goeido has much confidence in this tournament.
Kotomitsuki! What is happening on you!?

○ E-YHakuho4-0 yorikiri E-M2Kyokutenho0-4


vendorune said...

No Chuchai san. This is perfect sumo!

When one makes a mistake and we win you can say "all we want is a win". That is a win by poor play of the other.

But not here. Here Aminishiki also make mistake. And Baruto. So who should win?? The one who can PERSEVERE! That is Baruto!

We don't often get a chance to show that we can persevere -- we just win too fast. To be presented with a chance to persevere is a part of all sports.

Mentally for Baruto this is a big win. He showed to everyone that he can overcome his mistakes. Not in training! In the ring of a major tournament!

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

vendorune San

Thank you for posting comment.
I agree with you!
I just wanted to say what you comment.
Perfect sumo means sumo Baruto planned
and expected.
But this time is not that.
But Baruto got victory with perseverance.
This was the point Baruto won today as you said.
I totally agree with you.
In a sense,today's win tells us Baruto is not Baruto past.

MilazzoMan said...

Great perserverance from Baruto-san! But I suspect that, during this bout, he was very worried whether he could win this one!

And even when he achieved victory, he is still respectful to his opponent, offering his hand to help Aminishiki back on his feet. Very polite - Baruto is a "gentle giant"!!

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

MilazzoMan san
Thank you for every time comment.
Gentle and kind
It is reason why japanese loves him.

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