March 22, 2010

Day9 vs Kaio (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Kaio is breaking the record of Winning number at Makuuchi division everyday.
Kaio is 37 years old ozeki and having 185cm tall and 169 kg.
Kaio is considered as a top Japanes sumotori.

Excellent tactics.
Baruto tried to grip "Maemitsu"(=front part of belt).
But he could not,so changed to "Tsuppari"(=arm pushing like wind mill ).
He once made Kaio's posture upward ,immediately he pulled Kaio.
But he could not submitted,so he got left outside grip,,
soon threw "Dashinage"to made Kaio unbalanced.
And attached his body to Kaio
and went forward with "Hikitsuke"(=pulled belt to make unballanced).
Step work was also taken care about gliding steps(="Suriashi")
Yorikiri win.

I was specially interrested in his continuous attacking.
This is major change in this tournament comparing with last tournament.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(YORKIRI)× KAIO ozeki

9 wins.
No looser :Hakuho,Baruto
1 looser:Tokitenku

Tomorrow Baruto will fight against Ozeki Kotoshu.

Upper Rankers Result Day9
E-M2_Kyokutenho1-8 (yorikiri) W-K_Aminishiki5-4 ○
○ E-K_Kisenosato4-5 (yoritaoshi) E-M1_Kakuryu2-7
E-M5_Toyohibiki1-8 (yorikiri) W-O_Kotomitsuki6-3 ○
E-O_Kaio5-4 (yorikiri) E-S_Baruto9-0 ○
E-M4_Tamawashi3-6 (yoritaoshi) W-O_Kotooshu7-2 ○
○ E-O_Harumafuji8-1 (oshidashi) W-M4_Tosayutaka1-8

○ E-Y_Hakuho9-0 (oshidashi) W-S_Toyonoshima4-5
Day9 Digest

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