March 20, 2010

Day7 vs Kakuryu (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Spring Grand Sumo Tournament Day7
Our Baruto meets Kakuryu.
Kakuryu is from Mongol and his "Shiko Na"(=ring name) means Crane Dragon.
Crane is a symbol of wellness and happiness.
Dragon is a symbol of promotion in Japan.
Kakuryu is now ranked Maegashira #4
We can not underestimate him.
Very bad start.
His eyes were closed and very high position.
He looled hesitating to push or grip.

I think his pushing style in this tournamnet has bee remarkable.
But sometimes opponent had changed at starting.
So Baruto could not have confidence in his starting.

Baruto lost his target and went straight to the edge of ring.
Most of spectaculars except Baruto thought it was the end.
He stopped and turned around quickly.
He somehow managed to deal with Kakuryu rushing power.
This quick recovering is evidence of daily training("=Keiko").

Baruto could grip belt and shifted Kakuryu to the edge.
Yorikiri win.

Miraculous win.

Sumo God still supported of Baruto ozeki promotion.

sekiwake BARUTO ○(YORIKIRI)× KAKURYU maegashira #1

7 wins.

I believe Baruto will be a great "Rikishi"(=wrestler) in a decade.
His sumo style is not fixed and his motion is not like sumo.
If you watch Hakuho step work,you may recognize it.
Even if Baruto promotes to ozeki,Baruto will run up against wall.

Win but I hope Baruto should learn much through today's starting and rushing step work.

Anyway Baruto still keeps no loose record which is tie to Hakuho,Harumafuji and Tokitenku.


We hope all of readers give him cheers!

Upper Rankers Result Day7
W-M1_Wakanosato0-7 (yorikiri) W-K_Aminishiki3-4 ○
○ E-S_Baruto7-0 (yorikiri) E-M1_Kakuryu2-5

E-K_Kisenosato2-5 (yoritaoshi) W-O_Kotooshu6-1 ○

○ E-O_Harumafuji7-0 (yorikiri) W-S_Toyonoshima3-4
E-M4_Tamawashi3-4 (oshidashi) W-O_Kotomitsuki5-2 ○
○ E-O_Kaio5-2 (uwatenage) W-M2_Aran0-7

○ E-Y_Hakuho7-0 (shitatenage) W-M3_Kotoshogiku5-2
I got comment from らいこ san yesterday.
I understand some readers want to see Daily digest.
SoI will upload later at Ustream.


barbedwire said...

That was a disappointing move from Kakuryu, resorting to henka is bad sumo..Good that Baruto managed to win still!

He'll be Ozeki soon. Even if he doesn't make it this basho, he has shown that he has improved and will be surely by the end of year. He is still young and has many years in front of him.

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

barbedwire San

thank you for comment
I think Kakuryu feels something pressure with Baruto.
If we stand on Kakuryu side,he should not choose HENKA.

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