March 18, 2010

Day5 vs Wakanosato (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Today's opponent Wakanosato is ranked Maegashira #1.
He could not get wins in this tournament at all.

Baruto started with pushing.
Wakanosato once "Inasu"(=turn aside) Baruto pushing and Baruto lost his balance.
Wakansato quickly chased Baruto to push 
But Baruto today regained his footing more quickly than Wakanosato.
Baruto succeeded in re-attacking Wakanosato.

Every opponent considers bout strategy.
I think Wakanosato had decided to do "INASHI"
This tournament Baruto has finger injury so he mainly choose pushing start.
Wakanosato were watching for a chance to take advantage by "INASHI".

Every bout has a a big meaning for Baruto.
Let's keep on concentrating on every bout.

We Baruto fans are fighting with you,Baruto!

sekiwake BARUTO ○(YORITAOSHI)× WAKANOSATO maegashira#1

Bartuo marked 5 wins!

Upper Rankers Resuls Day5
○W-M3_Kotoshogiku5-0 (oshitaoshi) W-S_Toyonoshima3-2
Kotoshogiku rushing style is top form now.

E-M1_Kakuryu1-4 (hatakikomi) W-O_Kotomitsuki3-2 ○

○ E-O_Kaio3-2 (hatakikomi) W-K_Aminishiki1-4

W-M2_Aran0-5 (yorikiri) W-O_Kotooshu4-1 ○

○ E-O_Harumafuji5-0 (oshidashi) E-M2_Kyokutenho0-5

○ E-Y_Hakuho5-0 (hatakikomi) E-K_Kisenosato2-3


vendorune said...

this is the type of win that goes into a young man's head: "I am unbeatable" because Baruto, even though he made a mistake (or Wakanosato executed his Inashu perfectly) still beat Wakanosato without ANY effort! Let's hope Baruto is mature enough to be above this and will focus on his sumo each and every day.

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

vendorune san

Thank you for comment.
Baruto is a man to improve every day,sure!

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