March 19, 2010

Day6 vs Toyonoshima (Haru-Basho 2010 Mar)

Day 6 Grand Sumo Tournament
Baruto meets Sekiwake Toyonosima.
Toyonoshima gained 3 wins until yesterday.
Past result between them were 7 wins' baruto to only 1 win's Toyonoshima.
We can recall last tournament bout which Baruto was defeated by Toyonoshima first time.

Baruto succeeded in revenge.
Baruto pushed with both arm at starting.
It is called "Morote Zuki".
Toyonoshima aimed to do "INASHI"
Toyonoshima could get inside grips.
It meant Toyonoshima won.
But Today Baruto did not pull like last tournament.
He gave pressure with covering Toyonoshima by his huge body.


Oh! Baruto has gotten 6 wins on 6th day.
This is well-done for steps to ozeki promotion.

Upper Rankers Result Day6
E-K_Kisenosato2-4 yorikiri W-K_Aminishiki2-4 ○
○ E-S_Baruto6-0 hikiotoshi W-S_Toyonoshima3-3
○ E-O_Harumafuji6-0 yorikiri E-M4_Tamawashi3-3
W-M1_Wakanosato0-6 yorikiri W-O_Kotomitsuki4-2 ○

○ E-O_Kaio4-2 hatakikomi W-M3_Kotoshogiku5-1
E-M3_Goeido2-4 no contest W-O_Kotooshu5-1 ○

○ E-Y_Hakuho6-0 oshidashi W-M2_Aran0-6


Anonymous said...

Baruto fighting!
So far so good, but basho is still young and powerful sumotoris still to come.
Let´s hope he will continue his victorious steps to ozeki


Anonymous said...


How can we see Day digest again?
It would be interesting to see all day matches not only Baruto`s.



CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

Danyili san

Thank you for comment.
Yes,You are right.
Day by day.
Win by win.

CHUCHAI チューチャイ said...

Hi らいこさん
can you write Hiragana?

anyway i try to upload day digest.

Anonymous said...

こんにちわ ちゅーちゃい さん


So far, I can write down my name- らいこ and some easy words in hiragana. らいこ is a male name in エストニア but it sound like female name in 日本.

I cant follow sumo live, because its early morning here and I have to be at work. Therefore it is nice if you could upload day digest.

Congratulations to Baruto, he got kachikoshi today! I can feel he is more active this tournament and having a bit of fighting spirit. But more difficult part of the tournament is on the way, so がんばって !!!


MilazzoMan said...

Ohayou, Chuchai-san! Baruto-sanwa eigo o hanashite imasuka. I'm just curious... Arigatou gozaimasu! dewa, MM

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